FREE Lay-off and short-time working (temporary redundancy)

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FREE Lay-off and short-time working (temporary redundancy)

FREE Lay-off and short-time working (temporary redundancy)

523 523 people viewed this event.

If you are a business owner or line manager with responsibilities then this is for you.

About the event:

If an employer does not have enough work for their employees, they may need to consider:

  • lay-offs (sending employees home temporarily)
  • short-time working (reducing employees’ working hours)


This presentation is designed to:

  • set out the law and best practice on LOST
  • identify how employees in this situation should be paid
  • outline when LOST could be considered a redundancy.
  • Q & A


Edward Obi

Director – HR Hub Plus Limited

Edward Obi is an award-winning leader, Director & Senior HR Specialist here at HR Hub Plus Limited with over 18 years of experience in HR and Employment Law, assisting with everything from the day-to-day challenges business owners are dealing with to more complex situations such as TUPE and redundancy. Edward will be able to take you through all the finer points and details to include in your policies – along with some expert HR advice to add value to your business.

This online event is applicable to the law of Scotland, England, and Wales.


Date And Time

2023-02-23 @ 09:30 AM to
2023-02-23 @ 11:00 AM


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